Thursday, June 20, 2013

Welcome Summer

"And what is so rare as a day in June?"asks James Russell Lowell.

It takes a certain presence to notice that something rare is on the horizon. We notice a change from the ordinary way things have been. Our senses awaken us to this newness. We are invited to enter in to the emergence of the mystery of this call. Please take time to notice.

Then, if ever, come perfect days;
Every now and then there arrives what we call a perfect day. This last day of spring opens wide to welcome summer on this, the longest day of the year. We are invited not only to observe and absorb but to consciously participate in this awesome arrival. Notice the beauty of the new that is coming forth in your life at the threshold of summer.

Then Heaven tries earth if it be in tune,
Listen to the music in the air. Take in the buzz of the bees and the lawn mower. Interpret the birdsongs and be prepared this year for the rare sounds of the cicadas. Ask yourself what heaven is trying to tune you into. Slow down and be surprised.

And over it softly her warm ear lays;
Summer lends itself to contemplative receptivity, once we find the rhythm and the pace. May you make moments this season to be still and receive the depths of your own beautiful being. May you discover new blossoms emerging from the roots of your vocational call. May you find the courage to let go of that which keeps you from experiencing the new. May you know the oneness of heaven and earth as they know you.

Whether we look, or whether we listen,

Our looking makes a big difference in the way things emerge. Our listening has more capacity than we could ever imagine. May you know this to be true from you own depths of perception.

We hear life murmer or see it glisten.
Please let us know what life is whispering to you and what you notice glistening in religious life these days. Something is being revealed through all of us and we need to hear from one another.

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